"Dinner in the Deuce" at Untitled [ArtSpace]
Stan Carroll, Elia Woods, Gayle Singer, Suzanne Mears, Jan Meng
Poised al Fresco, 2007, mixed media installation.
(click the image above for an index of images from the opening.)
Untitled's next exhibition Dinner in the Deuce began on January 11 with an opening reception from 5 pm to 8 pm and will run through February 23rd. at 1 NE 3rd, Oklahoma City, OK. The exhibition is a collaborative effort between artists, designers, and architects to create themed dinner tables. Referencing the historic Deep Deuce neighborhood where the gallery is located, this unique exhibition experience was created by artists from Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas. The artists handcrafted everything from the silverware to the chairs to the tablecloths and their work blends the ingenuity and design that can be brought to everyday life. Laura Warriner, Curator of Dinner in the Deuce chose the dinner table as the focus for this project and exhibition because of its importance in society as the place we sit and exchange thoughts and ideas, a centerpiece for communications and a catalyst for collaboration.